ECODEPUR® DEPUROIL® is Light Liquid Separator destined to clean water polluted with light free floating liquids such as engine oils, gas, oil etc. Separators has CE marking, fulfilling all the requisites of the European Standard EN 858-1:2002.Standard models up to 15l/s.
Appropriated to separate greases and oils of vegetable and animal origin from wastewater.
Made in Polyethylene, manual cleaning and buried installation. Without energetic consumption.
Nominal sizes (l/s) greater than 10 l/s, available on request. Other materials, including carbon steel protected, available on request.
Grey Water Recycler System ECODEPUR® BIOX/SPRAC are equipment intended for the reception, treatment and reuse of grey wastewater (baths, showers and sinks), through a combination of biological treatment processes, filtration and disinfection. Allowing reuse for secondary uses (flushing toilets, watering gardens, washing various things, etc.).
DEPURWASH system allows treatment of effluents generated in vehicles and machinery washing operations, being applied downstream S-IPlines (Sludge Trap / Oil Separator / Sample collection box) according to EN 858 -1 / 2, adjusting the treated water quality for reuse during the stages of pre-wash and wash.
The system reduces up to 90% water consumption in washing operations, resulting not only in an effective contribution to the preservationof resource "water" but also a worthwhile investment with economic return in the short term. The excess effluent meets the discharge limits imposed by current legislation regarding the parameters COD, BOD5, TSS, Grease & Oils and Total Hydrocarbons and can be directly discharged in natural areas (water / soil).
SEPTIC TANK ECODEPUR® FS is a equipment that allows domestic, or similar, wastewater treatment, and incorporates a primary settling tank and anaerobic digester, made in polyethylene and buried installation.Other materials, including carbon steel protected, available on request.
Small Wastewater Treatment systems – Biological Tank, ECODEPUR®, BIOFIX is a watertight compact system that allows domestic, or similar, wastewater treatment, and incorporates a primary settling tank, anaerobic digester and an aerobic trickling filter.Other materials, including carbon steel protected, available on request.