View models and dimension table (click here)
MODEL Volume (l) Dimensions (LxIxH) He (mm) Hs (mm) C (mm) Ø Pipe (mm) FT
GORTECH NS2 1.360 1.560 x 960 x 1.230 930 820 750 x 750 110
GORTECH NS4 2.410 2.580 x 960 x 1.230 930 820 750 x 1415 110
GORTECH NS6 3.770 4.060 x 960 x 1.230 920 805 (750 x 750) + (750 x 1415) 125
GORTECH NS10 4.820 5.080 x 960 x 1.230 880 770 2 x (750 x 1415) 160
Legend: L - Length | H - Height | I - Width | LT - Overall width | D - Diameter | C - Cover | He - Cota Piping Input |
Hs - Piping Output Quota | FT - Technical Data | DT - Technical Drawing | The dimensions (in mm) are given as an indication, with tolerance of ±2%, and can be changed without notice.

Appropriated to separate greases and oils of vegetable and animal origin from wastewater.

Made in Polyethylene, manual cleaning and buried installation. Without energetic consumption.

Nominal sizes (l/s) greater than 10 l/s, available on request. Other materials, including carbon steel protected, available on request. 


  • CE Marking according EN1825-1;
  • Sludge trap built-in;
  • Polyethylene Protection Cover;
  • Possibility to incorporate a by-pass directly within the equipment structure;
  • High storage capacity for separated products;
  • High mechanical resistance and corrosion protection;
  • Light and easy to install and maintain;
  • Totally watertight;
  • Without power consumption;
  • Low cost;
  • Without odors with a correct ventilation.


ECODEPUR® GORTECH® Grease Separators has CE marking, in accordance with the legal obligations that stems from the entry into force of the REGULATION (EU) N.º 305/2011 of the European Parliament, to  Construction Products, fulfilling all the requisites of the European Standard EN 1825- 1. 


ECODEPUR® GORTECH® Grease Separators does not need any power consumption; it’s based on materials gravitational separation with different densities of water.Heavier materials (sludge, sand, etc) settle into the Sludge Trap compartment and are trapped there. This compartment also holds Grease that easily floats.

For the separation zone goes water and substances lighter than water, including grease which will be separated.The grease will accumulate on the surface, while the clean water goes out at a level that does not allow the mixing of the phases.


To comply with current legislation, ECODEPUR® GORTECH® Grease Separators should be installed in these places:

  • Restaurants;
  • Canteens;
  • Hotels;
  • School’s;
  • Bars;
  • Residential areas;
  • Camping Parks;
  • Laundries;
  • Any site with high quantity of Grease and Oil.



ECODEPUR® GORTECH® Grease Separators do not need special care from a structural point of view, due to the high resistance and corrosion protection of the material from which they are made.

ECODEPUR® GORTECH® Grease Separators should be inspected, emptied, cleaned and refilled with clean water.

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